Sustainability Program
At JDP, we’re proud to be supporting the DYKA group sustainability program. We are living in an ever-changing world where we provide added value solutions for growing needs related to urbanisation, a massive energy challenge, an increasing scarcity and abundance of water, climate change and a greater demand for a more comfortable, healthy and safe lifestyle. We have clustered our sustainability program into the following three key focus areas, covering multiple SDG’s.
This pillar focuses on preventing raw materials from becoming waste and minimising emissions.
This pillar focuses on people-related subjects, such as safety and diversity.
Continuous Improvement
This pillar focuses on innovation and strengthening our sustainability performance.
April 2024 - The 2024 update of our sustainability targets DYKA Group – watch the video now below!
We have set ambitious targets on sustainability for which we are happy to share an update about. Together, we transport natural resources from one place to another in a reliable, efficient, and sustainable way. We are Nature’s Network!

Sustainability Program
At JDP, we’re proud to be supporting the DYKA group sustainability program. We are living in an ever-changing world where we provide added value solutions for growing needs related to urbanisation, a massive energy challenge, an increasing scarcity and abundance of water, climate change and a greater demand for a more comfortable, healthy and safe lifestyle. We have clustered our sustainability program into the following three key focus areas, covering multiple SDG’s.

This pillar focuses on preventing raw materials from becoming waste and minimising emissions.

This pillar focuses on people-related subjects, such as safety and diversity.

Continuous Improvement
This pillar focuses on innovation and strengthening our sustainability performance.
April 2024 - The 2024 update of our sustainability targets DYKA Group – watch the video now below!
We have set ambitious targets on sustainability for which we are happy to share an update about. Together, we transport natural resources from one place to another in a reliable, efficient, and sustainable way. We are Nature’s Network!